Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 5

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ _



Read the paragraphs and then answer the character questions below.

Ask yourself questions about the characters as you
read. It will help you get to know them.

  1. If you were having trouble with geometry, whom might you ask for assistance?

  2. The school is looking for volunteers to rebuild the old playground. Who on the team
    would be best for the job? _____

  3. Who might capture the lead in the school play? __

  4. Based on what you know about The Money Magnets, will the summer fair venture be a
    success? ___ Why? ____

  5. How did Ham’s father help the boys? ____

Now use your imagination—turn the clock ahead ten years. Write a short newspaper article
about the business accomplishments of Tyson, Bull, and Ham. Use the back of this paper to
continue your story.

Tyson, Bull, and Ham have been business associates since kindergarten. They call
themselves The Money Magnets.What an amazingly successful time they have had earning
cash! From selling candy bars, to newspapers, to mowing lawns and raking leaves, the
three are a motivated, triumphant team of savvy entrepreneurs. And they are only in the
sixth grade!
The trio lives in a small, isolated town where kids often complain of monotonous summers.
From that, an idea was born. This summer The Money Magnetsare hosting a fair on the
outskirts of town. Ham’s father donated his vacant lot to the endeavor.
There will be rides, entertainment, food, and fun for all ages. Each of the
boys has his own particular talent to contribute. Tyson is great with
numbers and math, so he is handling all of the event’s finances. Bull is
the most physically fit and enjoys the construction and design aspect of
creating the fair. Finally, Ham is the group’s entertainer! He hires the
help, performs in the shows, and keeps everyone smiling!
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