Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 7

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: A good summary is short and contains general information about the story rather
than lots of specifics. Read the summary of the classic fable of “The Boy Who Cried
Wolf.” Then follow the format to write a summary of another fable you know.

You’re not expected to remember every detail of what
you read—just the essentials. That’s why summarizing
is such a useful reading tool. Do you use it?

The Boy Who Cried Wolf
A boy was left alone to tend sheep high on a hill above
the town. He was told that if a wolf should come by to
cry “WOLF” and the townspeople would come to his aid.
The boy became bored, and though no wolf had come,
he cried “WOLF” and the townspeople came running.

After doing this several times, when a wolf really did
appear, the townspeople did not believe him and did
not come.
The boy learned that a liar is not to be believed, even
when he tells the truth.










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