Reading Comprehension Skills and Strategies - Level 7

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Mr. Gerrard owns a business that sells auto parts. He buys the parts he stocks from many
different manufacturers, then sells them to repair shops and individuals. He must be very
organized to keep track of all the different parts he buys and sells.

To ensure that his customers are happy and he does not lose money, Mr. Gerrard follows specific
procedures. The typical order takes about^1 ⁄ 2 hour to process. At 9:00 am Mr. G. checks his mail
(regular and e-mail). He takes about 5 minutes to sort it into three types: orders, bills and other
business, and personal. He gives the order to Mr. Tanner to enter the orders into the computer.
About 5 minutes later, Mr. T. prints a “pick sheet” and gives it to Ms. Windly, who “picks” the
products off the shelves in the warehouse for shipping. This takes about 9 minutes. Mrs. W. gives
the pick list and products to Mr. Hebner, who quickly rechecks that the right products have been
picked. If so, he boxes them and labels them for shipping. Within 10 minutes, Mr. H. sends the
pick sheet back to Mr. T., noting if all items were shipped or if any were out of stock. Mr. T. takes
5 minutes to adjust the invoice to match the shipment and enter the updated information in
the computer. If there are backorders, Mr. T. lets Mr. Gerrard know so that he can order those
items from the manufacturer. By 9:30 the customer’s order and invoice are sent.

9:00 9:05 9:10 9:15 9:20 9:25 9:30

Step __

Step __

Step __

Step __

Step __

Step __

Directions: Use the information in the story to map the sequence of events in the timeline below.
Number the steps in the correct order. Then, on the back of this page, write what is
happening at each step.

When you have to get the facts in order, a timeline
is a great way to show information in sequence.
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