Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 6

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Reading Comprehension • Saddleback Educational Publishing ©2002 110 3 Watson, Irvine, CA 92618•Phone (888)SDL-BACK•

Na m e : ___ _



Read the story. Then answer the questions below.

Here’s how to “dial in” to a story. When you begin to
read, tune in to who is telling the story and why.

California Gold
About 150 years ago, gold was discovered in California,
and a rush to move there began. It seems that people
have been coming ever since.
I live in California—the Golden State—and for me the
gold is not shiny nuggets but sunshine. Here on the
southern California coast, we have one of the most pleasant
climates in the world. We have few days that are uncomfortably
hot or cold and even fewer days that are rainy or gloomy.
Some people say that not having drastic seasons would be
boring. They would miss the crisp air of fall, the sweltering dog days of
summer, and maybe, especially, the first fresh snow of winter. Those things
are nice, but I’ll keep the “boring” warm sunshine day in and day out.
Besides, it’s not as if we don’t ever have changes in the weather. During the winter
months of December through February, while much of the rest of the United States is
buried in snow and ice or battling the freezing cold, I also have to adjust to colder
temperatures—sometimes I have to wear a jacket!

  1. Which word best describes the author’s tone in this story?
    O swaggering O apologetic O wistful

  2. Which best describes the author’s intent for the meaning of the title?
    O the Gold Rush of 1849 O the Golden State O the sunshine

  3. Is this passage fact, opinion, or a mixture of both?
    O fact O opinion O mixture

  4. Evaluate: In Southern California it is cooler in winter than in other months.
    O true O false O story doesn’t say

  5. Which best states the main idea of the passage?
    O California is named the Golden State because of the Gold Rush.
    O The weather in southern California is mild and some people like it.
    O Living without drastic changes in seasons can be boring.

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