Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 6

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: In planning a paragraph, Mike wrote the following group of sentences. First,
underline the sentence that should be the topic sentence. Then, cross out the
sentence that does not belong. Next, write the paragraph using the remaining
sentences in the order they should go in the paragraph. Finally, add a title.

Reading Comprehension • Saddleback Educational Publishing ©2002 3 Watson, Irvine, CA 92618•Phone (888)SDL-BACK•

  • Once, Uncle Cal built a shed out back
    for dad.

  • Then he made a super doghouse for our
    dog, Sport.

  • When it comes to building things, my
    Uncle Cal really knows what he’s doing.

  • Plus, when Grandma wanted a new
    trellis for her roses, Uncle Cal designed
    and built one by hand.

  • Uncle Cal is my mom’s younger brother.

  • And he does all this on weekends, when
    he’s not at his job as a carpenter!












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