Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 6

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Na m e : ___ _



Read each sentence. Figure out which meaning makes the most sense for the bold
word. Write your conclusion on the line.

Reading Comprehension • Saddleback Educational Publishing ©2002 3 Watson, Irvine, CA 92618•Phone (888)SDL-BACK•

  1. The two old women sat reminiscingabout
    their girlhood.
    Is reminiscing remembering, crying, orcomplaining? __

  2. Large rocks protrudedfrom the side of the mountain.
    Were the rocks falling, sticking out, orrising up? _____

  3. They hoped to find suitable quartersfor the night, but none were available.
    Are quarters money, fourths, orshelter? _____

  4. The field was meant for grazing.
    Would it be used for raising crops, feeding livestock, orbuilding on?


  1. The tribe’s storyteller was legendary.
    Was the storyteller an exaggerator, well-known, orold? _____

  2. At daybreak each morning, the sailors would hoistthe flag.
    Did they put it away, fold it, or pull it up? _____

  3. The City Council came up with a feasibleplan for relieving the traffic congestion.
    Was their plan unrealistic, reasonable, orcomplicated? _____

  4. The ring was inexpensive because it contained fauxgems.
    Were the gems fake, flawed, orsmall? _____

  5. A multitudeof migrating butterflies rested in the trees.
    Is multitude a large number,a guarded place, or reasonable? _____

  6. The explorers were plaguedby flies.
    Is plagued consumed,troubled and annoyed, or divided into sections.

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