Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 4

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Read the story. Then write a sentence to describe the main idea of each part
of the plot, or sequence of events.

Look, be smart. Scan the story after reading it to
spot parts of the plot that you want to describe.

When my 11-year old dog started to lack interest in her dry dog food, I was not overly
concerned. I’d get tired of the same food day after day, too. But when this went on for
several weeks, I began to worry. She would start to eat and then just walk away from her
dish. I also noticed she had quit playing with her favorite tug toy.

When I came home from school one day last week, my dog ran to greet me as usual.
I bent down to pet her cute little face and she let out a yelp. That’s when I knew it
was time to see the vet.

I took her to the vet. She whimpered quietly while we waited in the waiting room. When
the vet looked inside her mouth he quickly spotted the problem.

“This doggie has several loose teeth that are causing her pain,” he said. He removed her loose
teeth and gave her some medicine. She was feeling fine in no time.
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