Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 4

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Read each sentence. Then read it again and underline the idiom.

Now that you know about idioms, ask
yourself—which group of words in the sentence
is unusual compared to the rest of the words?

  1. The clown was funny—he kept us in stitches.

  2. The artist is so good that she’s a cut above the rest.

  3. My new pants fit like a glove.

  4. Jeremy was on pins and needles waiting for his birthday to arrive.

  5. The cake must have been good because the guests tore through it.

  6. If you blame me, you’ll be barking up the wrong tree.

  7. Ben was so tired he didn’t give a hoot about missing the movie.

  8. She heard it straight from the horse’s mouth.

  9. My dad hit the ceiling when he saw my report card.

  10. Mom always tells Dad not to be a back seat driver.

  11. Aunt Velma drinks milk by the oceans.

  12. Can you keep this secret under your hat?

  13. My little sister is always trying to pass the buck.

  14. This science project is no bed of roses.

  15. A new puppy can be a pain in the neck until it’s trained.

  16. This book of tall tales really cracks me up.

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