Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 4

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Na m e : _______________________________________ Date: _____________________

Directions: Read the paragraphs. Then write phrases to compare and contrast the two games.

It’s either sink or skim here. Read the text once and
then go back and skim it again to find the answers
you need. If you don’t, you’ll sink.

A soccer ball is black and white. It is round and covered with leather.
The modern game of soccer began in the 19th century in England. Soccer
is a ball game played by two teams of 11 players. The game is played on a
field that is 100 to 130 yards long. At each end of the field are two vertical
8-foot goalposts with a crossbar. The object of the game is to move the ball
into the opponent’s goal. Players can kick the ball or hit it with their forehead, but they
may not use their hands. Games consist of two 45-minutes halves. Players wear shin
guards to protect their legs, but no other protective equipment is allowed. Soccer is a very
popular sport.

A football is brown and covered with leather. It has an unusual shape.
A form of football was played in ancient and medieval times, but this
popular sport began in England during the 12th century. A football field is
120 yards long. Near the end of each side of the field are two 10-foot
upright goalposts topped with a crossbar and two more vertical posts.
Football is played by two teams of 11 players. Each team tries to move the ball down the
field and into the opponent’s goal. Players may carry, throw, or kick the ball. A game
consists of four 15-minute quarters. Players wear special padding all over their body and
helmets with guards that cover their face.

Compare - Alike

Contrast - Different

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