Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 4

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Na m e : _______________________________________ Date: _____________________

Directions: Read the paragraph and complete the chart.

Excuse me! Look for words that are signals for cause
and effect like because, so, or since.

The Dust Bowl
By the 1930s, many farmers had moved to the Great Plains. They planted wheat
and raised cattle. The cattle ate the prairie grasses, and that exposed the soil. The
farmers planted wheat on the land, but the roots of the wheat did not hold the soil
together well. Then a long drought, or time without rain, occurred. The soil dried
into a fine, loose dust. Storm winds blew, and the skies filled with billowing,
black clouds of dust. The choking dust piled up against people’s homes
and barns. One storm even carried the dust as far east as the Atlantic
Ocean. Year after year, the dust kept blowing. Soon the Great Plains
became known as the Dust Bowl. The terrible drought and dust
ruined many farms, so families were forced to pack up and leave.
During that time, many thousands of people left the Dust Bowl
and moved to places like California and Idaho.

  1. The cattle ate the grass, so

  2. The wheat had poor roots, so

  3. Because the soil became fine dust.

  4. Because the skies filled with dust clouds.

  5. The dust storms ruined farms, so

Cause (Action) Effect (Reaction)

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