Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 3

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Reading Comprehension • Saddleback Educational Publishing ©2002 3 Watson, Irvine, CA 92618•Phone (888)SDL-BACK•

Directions: Put these statements in the correct order using the numbers 1–6.

_____ Austin found his dad’s hammer.
_____ The boys looked in the freezer.
_____ Kyle and Austin sat on the porch.
_____ The boys ran down to the corner ice cream store.
_____ Austin got out his piggy bank and shook it.
_____ Kyle and Austin looked at Austin’s toys.

Sitting on the porch, Austin and Kyle were sweating. “It’s so hot,” exclaimed
Kyle, “I can’t even think!” Austin nodded his head in agreement. They looked
at many of Austin’s toys but didn’t feel like playing because of the heat.
“I have an idea,” said Austin, “let’s get some ice cream! That will cool us
down!” The boys headed inside to look in the freezer. They saw frozen
vegetables, juice, and ice but no ice cream.
“Oh no,” sighed Kyle, “what should we do?”
“I have an idea. Let’s go buy some ice cream cones,” said Austin.
Austin got out his piggy bank and shook it. “Cling, clang.” There was money
in there for sure. Both boys’ eyes lit up! Austin stuck his fingers into the bank
but couldn’t reach the money. All they could think about was the sweet, cold
ice cream cone.
“Break it!” yelled Kyle. Austin got one of his dad’s old hammers and hit the
piggy’s back. Instantly, coins flew everywhere! They landed on the floor,
under the bed, and in the hallway. When they grabbed all the coins they
could find, they added up the money and it totaled $4.89. Just enough money
for the ice cream!
Excitedly, the boys ran down to the corner ice cream store and bought two
double scoops of chocolate chip and vanilla ice cream.


Na m e : _______________________________________ Date: _____________________

Let’s get organized! Try to remember the order in
which things happened.
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