Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 3

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Read each paragraph and then answer the questions in complete sentences.

What if this happened to you? Try putting yourself
in Janet’s shoes!

After swimming in the pool all morning, Janet felt her stomach growl. She got
out of the pool and walked inside her house. In the kitchen, she got out a jar of
peanut butter, a jar of jelly, a knife, a plate, and two slices of bread.

  1. What do you think Janet will do next? _____

  2. Explain why you think that. ___

Janet’s stomach was full, and she found she had lots of energy again. So Janet
headed back outside to the pool. But her mom told her that she had to wait for
half an hour to let her food digest before going in the pool again.

  1. What do you think Janet will do next? _____

  2. What details support your prediction? _____

Janet dove into the pool and swam around excitedly, playing with her floating
hoops and balls. After two hours, Janet felt tired and was out of breath. She
lifted her hands out of the water and noticed her fingers were wrinkled. Janet’s
teeth wouldn’t stop chattering, either.

  1. What do you think Janet will do next? _____

  2. Explain why you think that. ___

Janet’s mom was waiting for her with a warm towel outside of the pool. “This is
so nice and cozy,” Janet thought to herself. Then she went inside her house but
couldn’t sit down because she would get the couches and chairs all wet. As she
looked over her shoulder, she noticed a trail of water behind her. “Oh no,
everything is wet! Mom will be angry when she sees the mess I made!”

  1. What do you think Janet will do next? _____

  2. What details support your prediction? _____

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