Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 3

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. yes
    Felix and the Magical

  2. true

  3. true

  4. yes
    Page 54

  5. 2

  6. You must buy a full-
    priced refrigerator and
    microwave oven.

  7. You do not qualify for
    the free television set.

  8. A handling charge on
    the free television set.

  9. No.

  10. Saturday.

  11. Answers will vary.
    Page 55

  12. Three mice were
    blinded by a farmer’s

  13. The Daily Bugle

  14. The Daily Times

  15. Answers will vary.
    Page 56

    1. rainy

    2. rainy

    3. a rubber slicker

    4. 5:45

    5. school bus driver

    6. red

    7. Friday

    8. Swim races and a

    9. Yellow

  16. Disappointed
    Page 57
    The blue whale is an
    amazing animal.
    eat krill—tiny shrimp-
    like creatures—four tons
    a day
    endangered species—
    heavily hunted—nearly
    Page 58

  17. Listen to the advice of
    local officials and
    evacuate only if they tell
    you to do so.

  18. Fill your car’s gas

  19. Stock up on essential
    4. Store valuables and
    personal papers in a
    safety deposit box in a
    water proof container on
    the highest level of your
    5. If you come upon a
    flooded road, turn
    around and go another
    Page 59
    Answers will vary.
    Page 60

    1. false

    2. eating, resting, and

    3. plants

    4. up to 15 percent of
      their body weight

    5. surface to breathe

    6. in rivers, estuaries,
      saltwater bays, canals,
      and coastal areas

    7. migratory

    8. Florida

    9. Virginia, Carolinas

    10. true
      Page 61

    11. freedom, fun, grace,
      compassion, intelligent
      (any three)

    12. true

    13. true

    14. up to 30 pounds of

    15. They both have two

    16. up to 30 minutes

    17. 20 feet

    18. They are born bottom
      first rather than head
      Page 62

      1. The following words
        should be highlighted:
        sugar, corn syrup (twice),
        fructose, dextrose, and
        sucrose (6)

      2. Power Punch

      3. Smash

      4. Bubba Juice

      5. Juicy Goose

      6. Smash

      7. Power Punch

      8. Bubba Juice and Juicy

      9. 530 calories

    19. Juicy Goose

Page 63

  1. 120 calories

  2. 1 gram

  3. 35%

  4. vitamin C and
    vitamin D

  5. false
    Page 64
    Answers will vary.
    Page 65

  6. 1st quarter

  7. $50

  8. 3rd quarter

  9. $50

  10. $25

  11. $45

  12. $30
    Page 66

  13. crocodiles’

  14. alligators

  15. false

  16. true

  17. false

  18. They live where the
    water meets the land.

  19. a crocodile’s
    Page 67
    Answers will vary.
    pumpkin pie difference:
    has a crust and tastes
    butterscotch ice cream
    difference: frozen with a
    sweet flavor
    same: both are sweet and
    creamy desserts
    Page 68

    1. carrots

    2. orange juice

    3. carrots and spinach

    4. milk

    5. water

    6. milk

    7. orange juice

    8. carrots

    9. water

  20. spinach
    Page 69

    1. Fantastic Female

    2. Fantastic Female

    3. Catman

    4. Superdude

    5. Lake Lady

    6. joined the federation
      in 1971

  21. both can fly

  22. Catman

  23. Lizardman

  24. Fantastic Female
    Page 70

  25. opinion

  26. fact

  27. fact

  28. opinion

  29. opinion

  30. fact

  31. fact

  32. opinion

  33. opinion

  34. opinion

  35. fact

  36. fact

  37. opinion

  38. fact

  39. fact
    Page 71

  • Super C Juice contains
    1,000 mg of vitamin C.

  • Vitamin C can be
    found in oranges and
    other citrus fruit.

  • Super C Juice also
    contains distilled water.

  • Distilled water is water
    that has been boiled in a
    special way.

  • Water is something
    that every living creature
    needs to survive.

  • Super C Juice will make
    you feel like the
    healthiest person in the

  • If you drink Super C
    Juice every day you’ll be
    as strong as a gorilla.

  • The scientist who
    invented Super C juice
    tested it for about a
    million years to make
    the recipe perfect.

  • Super C Juice is like
    drinking water with
    sunshine in it.
    Answers will vary with
    the last two questions.
    Page 72
    Underline and write:
    My neighbor is making
    me angry.
    He grows big tomatoes in
    his garden.

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