Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 3

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Na m e : _______________________________________ Date: _____________________

To be a good detective, you have to know what facts
are important and not important to the case you’re
solving! So, ask yourself questions as you read.

Directions: Choose the word whose meaning fits both sentences.

  1. You should ___ that envelope before you mail it.

The _______ at the zoo can balance a ball on his nose.
a. fly c. seal
b. close d. lick

  1. Please ____ your hand if you know the answer.

My dad asked his boss for a _________.
a. wave c. desk
b. raise d. promotion

  1. My ___ is a foot long.

The country elected a new ________.
a. president c. ruler
b. measuring tape d. king

  1. The __ of the game is to capture the other team’s flag.

The lawyer said, “I ______!”
a. point c. law
b. quit d. object

  1. My sister likes to ___ seashells.

My uncle Fred always calls ________.
a. collect c. polish
b. late d. phone

Do you know that some words have more than
one meaning? Read carefully and you’ll know
just what to do!
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