Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 3

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Na m e : ___ Date: _

Directions: Put an “X” next to the best meaning for the underlined idiom phrase.

Whoa! Don’t get confused...idioms don’t exactly
mean what they say!

  1. Lucy’s room is decorated so bright and cheery.
    She really has an eye for color.
    Lucy has colored eyes.
    Lucy knows how to mix and match colors.
    _____ Lucy wears glasses.

  2. Max can lift the entire lunch table over his head.
    He is built like an ox.
    Max has horns and a tail.
    Max is good at building things.
    _____ Max is big and strong.

  3. Mr. Tuddle thinks we can do ten pages of homework
    in one night. He has bats in the belfry!
    Mr. Tuddle is crazy.
    Mr. Tuddle has a pet bat.
    _____ Mr. Tuddle lives on a bell tower.

  4. The class president walked me home from school
    today. Brittany is green with envy!
    Brittany is feeling ill.
    Brittany is jealous.
    _____ Brittany doesn’t like the color green.

  5. Roller coasters make me ill! Last time I rode one,
    I tossed my cookies.
    I dropped all the change from my pocket.
    I couldn’t find my cookies.
    _____ I got sick.

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