Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 3

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Na m e : _______________________________________ Date: _____________________

Directions: Read the partial index for this animal book and answer the questions below.

Want to know what topics a book contains? Start at
the back and look in the index. An index can help you
get the picture of what’s inside the book.

  1. What page has information about carnivores? __

  2. Page 43 has information about which two animals?


  1. Information about which two animals can be found on page 54?


  1. Baboons can be found on which two pages? __

  2. These pages contain information about ocean animals. _____

  3. What animal is discussed on page 100? ___

  4. Which animals appear on more than one page? ____

  5. Which country appears on more than one page? ___


Aardvarks, 54 Carnivores, 19
Africa, 11, 68 Caterpillars, 21
Alligators, 6, 14 Cats, 76
Apes, 17 Crabs, 99

Baboons, 34, 78 Deer, 54
Beluga Whales, 32 Dolphins, 96
Bison, 43, 59 Dorcas Gazelle, 100
Buffalo, 43

Animals Animals!

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