Reading Comprehension Skills & Strategies - Level 3

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Na m e : _______________________________________ Date: _____________________

Directions: Read the headings and captions on these movie posters. Put an X in front of the
sentence that best tells what the movie will be about.

Headings and captions even help you preview and
predict movies!

_____ The movie is about Martians who have
come to destroy the world.
_____ The movie is about a costume party that is
crashed by aliens.
_____ The movie is about aliens who eat garbage
and come to Earth in search of it.

_____ The movie is about rats that help keep
their cat friends safe from danger.

_____ The movie is about rats that chase cats.

_____ The movie is about rats that hire dogs
to keep them safe from cats.

_____ The movie is about a quiet guy who likes to
spend his time relaxing on the beach.
_____ The movie is about a sweet pirate who gives
all his loot to the poor.
_____ The movie is about a greedy pirate who will
do anything to get rich.

wretched rico the pirate
leaves no stone unturned
in his selfish
quest for
hidden treasure!

Walking the Plank

Green Slime
From Outer Space

The Great Rat Caper

They’re green; they’re gooey;
they want your
No litter can is
safe from these
galaxy garbage

Rats rescuing cats?
I t ’s c r a z y ; it ’s f u n n y ; it ’s
unlikely friends helping each
other survive in the subways
of New York.
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