Na m e : _______________________________________ Date: _____________________
- List facts that are the same
in both articles.
- Which newspaper favors the mice? Give examples. ___
- Which newspaper favors the farmer’s wife? Give examples. _____
- Which article do you believe? Why? ____
Three unsuspecting mice were savagely attacked by a
mean farmer’s wife on Monday after they accidentally
entered her kitchen. The mice, whose identities will
remain secret until their families can be notified, were
on their way to the market to buy cheese when the
attack occurred. Doctors say the mice will be left blind.
A donation fund is being set up to help the sweet, dear
mice pay their medical expenses.
Charges have been brought
against the farmer’s wife.
Directions: Compare and contrast these two newspaper articles, then answer the
questions below.
Hmmm... It all depends on who is looking... Two
views of the same event can be very different!
The Daily Bugle
Mice Mauled by Mean Mistress
The Daily Times
Mice Thieves Captured
Three mice who have been robbing farmhouses
have been blinded and finally captured. Brave
Mrs. Carver defended herself against the
thieving rodents who had threatened not only
her cheese, but her safety as well. Although she
was defending herself and her property, Big E.
Ratt has brought a case against Mrs. Carver. A
defense fund has been set up for the poor
farmer’s wife.