Na m e : ___ Date: _
Directions: Read the data below and answer the questions.
Scientists need to analyze data. Put on your lab
coat and be a scientist!
- Meteorologist Mike has been tracking weather systems
in Erie, Pennsylvania, for many years. He has checked the
current weather systems and determined the following:- A storm is moving quickly down from Canada.
- The temperatures in Erie will drop into the low
20s overnight. - Lake Erie is nearly frozen.
- Winds have increased to 35 mph.
Predict tomorrow’s weather in Erie, Pennsylvania. Use data in your prediction.
- Archeologist Archie has discovered the following artifacts at his dig:
- clay pots
- an arrowhead
- a doll made of straw and sticks
- animal skins
- a painting of dogs chasing a herd of antelope
Describe the type of people who lived in the area.
How do you know they had children? _______________________________________
How do you know they hunted? ____________________________________________
What artifacts led Archie to believe that these people could make items that
they needed? _____________________________________________________________