World History, Grades 9-12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

996 Chapter 34

How would you build

a new nation?

As a political leader of a former colony, you watch with pride as your country
becomes independent. However, you know that difficult days lay ahead. You
want peace and prosperity for your nation. To accomplish this, however, you
need to create a sound government and a strong economy. In addition, food and
adequate health care are scarce and many people receive little education. These
and other challenges await your immediate attention.


• What are the first steps you would take? Why?

• What might be the most difficult challenge to overcome?

As a class, discuss these questions. Remember what you have
learned about what makes a stable and unified nation. As you read
about the emergence of new nations around the world, note what
setbacks and achievements they make in their effort to build a
promising future.



▲Voting Rights


▼Health Care
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