World History, Grades 9-12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Six-Day War 1967
When the Egyptian military
moved to strike Israel, Israeli
forces attacked, destroying
airfields in Syria, Jordan,
Egypt, and Iraq. Israel won
the war in six days.

Pakistan-India split 1947 ▲
After riots in 1946 killed thousands of
Hindus and Muslims, the British agreed to
partition India. About one million people
were killed trying to move to one country
or the other.

The new party 1946
In 1946, the Mexican Revolutionary Party became
the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), which
ruled for the next fifty years. Although the PRI
promoted stability, it was politically corrupt.

Independence 1946
On July 4, the United States
granted independence
to the Philippines.

War over Biafra 1967
The Ibos ethnic group tried to
secede and form a new nation
called Biafra. A bloody war
and the Ibos were defeated.

Marcos elected 1965
After being elected president,
Ferdinand Marcos became an
authoritarian ruler and stole
money from the government. In
1972, he imposed martial law.

Independence 1960
Britain granted
independence to
Nigeria without
military struggle.

Independence 1948
The day after Israel’s
Independence it was
invaded by six
neighboring st ates.

1100 Unit 8 Comparing & Contrasting

Five Developing Nations

Nation building is the creation of a state with a national identity. In Unit 8, you studied
many nations that emerged since World War II. Forming a politically and economically
stable country that safeguards basic human rights is a formidable task, especially in
places where the people have different ethnic or religious backgrounds and different
traditions and goals. To succeed, a new nation must forge a national identity. In the next
six pages, you will see how five countries are working to become developed nations.
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