World History, Grades 9-12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


3.7 Analyzing Political Cartoons

POLITICAL CARTOONSare drawings that express the artist’s point of view about a local,
national, or international situation or event. They may criticize, show approval, or draw
attention to a particular issue, and may be either serious or humorous. Political cartoonists
often use symbols as well as other visual clues to communicate their message.

Understanding the Skill

STRATEGY: EXAMINE THE CARTOON CAREFULLY.The cartoon below was drawn dur-
ing the period of détente—a lessening of Cold War tensions between the United States
and the Soviet Union.


Applying the Skill
MAKE YOUR OWN CHART.Turn to the political cartoon in Chapter 23, page 652. Read
the information provided in the chart and graphs to help you understand the basis for
the cartoon. Note the clothing and apparent attitudes of the figures in the drawing, as
well as how they relate to one another. Then make a chart like the one above.

Section 3:Exploring Evidence: Print, Visual, Technology Sources

Summarize your analysis in
a chart. Look for details and
analyze their significance. Then
decide on the message of the

Look at the cartoon as a
whole to determine the

Look for symbols, which are
especially effective in com-
municating ideas visually. In
this cartoon, Szabo uses symbols
that stand for two nations. The
stars and stripes stand for the
United States. The hammer and
sickle stand for the Soviet Union.

Analyze the visual details,
which help express the
artist’s point of view. The lit
fuse suggests that the world
is in immediate danger. The
United States and the Soviet
Union are cooperating to reduce
the danger by cutting the fuse.







Symbols and Visual Details

  • Stars and stripes

  • Hammer and sickle

  • Lit fuse

  • Both nations hold the scissors


  • United States

  • Soviet Union

  • Danger

  • Cooperation


The United States and the
Soviet Union are trying to
prevent their differences
from destroying the world.
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