World History, Grades 9-12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

4.5 Creating a Model

WHEN YOU CREATE A MODEL,you use information and ideas to show an event or a
situation in a visual way. A model might be a poster or a diagram drawn to explain
how something happened. Or, it might be a three-dimensional model, such as a diorama,
that depicts an important scene or situation.

Understanding the Skill

STRATEGY: CREATE A MODEL. The poster below shows the hardships and dangers
that children faced while working in the textile factories in the early 1800s. Use the
strategies listed below to help you create your own model.

Applying the Skill

CREATE YOUR OWN MODEL.Read the Interact with History feature on page 716.
Create a poster that shows how working conditions might be made more fair in
England during the Industrial Revolution.


Section 4:Creating Presentations

Gather the information you
need to understand the situa-
tion or event. In this case, you
need to be able to show the hard-
ships and dangers of child labor.

Visualize and sketch an idea
for your model. Once you have
created a picture in your mind,
make an actual sketch to plan
how it might look.

Think of symbols you may
want to use. Since the model
should give information in a
visual way, think about ways you
can use color, pictures, or other
visuals to tell the story.

Gather the supplies you will
need and create the model.
For example, you may need
crayons and markers.



1 Child Labor in Britain in the Early 1800s





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