World History, Grades 9-12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Multiple Choice

A multiple-choice question

consists of a stem and a set of

alternatives. The stem usually

is in the form of a question or

an incomplete sentence. One

of the alternatives correctly

answers the question or

completes the sentence.

Read the stem carefully

and try to answer the

question or complete the

sentence before looking at

the alternatives.

Look for key words in the

stem. They may direct you

to the correct answer.

Read each alternative with

the stem. Don’t make your

final decision on the

correct answer until you

have read all of the


Eliminate alternatives that

you know are wrong.

Look for modifiers to help

you rule out incorrect


Carefully consider

questions that include all

of the above as an


Take great care with

questions that are stated


  1. The Sahara is mostly

A.scattered with rocks and gravel.
B.made up of sand dunes.
C.located south of the equator.
D.covered with tall grasses and bushes.

  1. Over hundreds of years, the Bantu people migrated from
    West Africa to

A.all of North Africa.
B.East and South Africa.
C.South and Southwest Asia.
D.every continent except Antarctica.

  1. The traditional griots of West Africa passed on the
    histories of their people by

A.writing books.
B.painting murals.
C.telling stories.
D.all of the above

  1. Which of the following is notone of
    the trading kingdoms of West Africa?


answers:1 (A); 2 (B); 3 (C); 4 (D)

You can improve your test-taking skills by practicing the strategies
discussed in this section. First, read the tips on the left-hand page.
Then apply them to the practice items on the right-hand page.

Part 2: Test-Taking Strategies and Practice


stem Mostlyis a key word
here. Changing it to
partly would alter the
sentence and call for a
different answer.

You can eliminate Dif
you remember that the
Sahara is a desert.

Absolute words, such
as all, never, always,
every,and only,often
signal an incorrect

If you select this answer,
be sure that all of the
alternatives are correct.

Eliminate incorrect alternatives
by identifying those that are
West African trading kingdoms.


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