World History, Grades 9-12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Hindu and Buddhist Art

The main difference between Buddhist art and Hindu art in India was

its subject matter. Buddhist art often portrayed the Buddha or

bodhisattvas, who were potential Buddhas. Hindu gods, such as Vishnu

and Ganesha, were common subjects in Hindu art.

Beyond the differences in subject, Hindu and Buddhist beliefs had

little influence on Indian artistic styles. For example, a Hindu sculpture

and a Buddhist sculpture created at the same place and time were

stylistically the same. In fact, the same artisans often created both

Hindu and Buddhist art.

This bronze Buddha was made in India during
the sixth century. Each detail of a Buddhist
sculpture has meaning. For example, the
headpiece and long earlobes shown here are
lakshana, traditional bodily signs of the
Buddha. The upraised hand is a gesture that
means “Have no fear.”

▼The Great Stupa
Built during the third to first centuries B.C., the Great Stupa is a
famous Buddhist monument in Sanchi, India. This stone structure is
120 feet across and 54 feet high; it has a staircase leading to a
walkway that encircles the stupa. Stupas serve as memorials and
often contain sacred relics. During Buddhist New Year festivals,
worshipers hold images of the Buddha and move in processions
around the circular walkway.


RESEARCH LINKSFor more on Hindu
and Buddhist art, go to

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