World History, Grades 9-12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Which Chinese invention

would be most useful to

your society?

Imagine yourself in the year 1292. You have spent the last 17 years traveling in
China—the world’s most advanced country. Your own civilization is on the other side
of the world. It, too, is very sophisticated, but it lacks many of the innovations you
have seen on your travels.
During your stay in China, you were of great assistance to the emperor. As a
going-away present, he asks you to choose one of the inventions shown here to take
back to your own society. He also will provide you with the knowledge of how to
create the invention of your choice.

322 Chapter 12

Gunpowdercan be
used for fireworks or
made into explosive

Silk makes a luxurious cloth—
soft to the touch but also
amazingly strong and warm.

The magnetic compass
can help sailors navigate
the open sea.

Paperis a relatively
inexpensive and easy-
to-produce surface for
writing and printing.


• Which invention would most improve the quality of life?

• Which might be the most profitable?

• What benefits and drawbacks might there be to introducing

the item into your society?

Discuss these questions with your classmates. In your discussion,
remember what you have learned about the spread of new ideas. As
you read about China in this chapter, see how its ideas spread from
the East to the West.
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