World History, Grades 9-12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

746 Chapter 26

What ideals might be worth

fighting and dying for?

You are living in Paris in 1871. France is in a state of political upheaval
following the Franco-Prussian War. When workers in Paris set up their own
government, called the Paris Commune, French soldiers quickly stamp out the
movement. Most of the Communards (the supporters of the Commune) are
either killed or imprisoned. When your good friend Philippe dies in the
fighting, you wonder whether self-government is worth dying for.

▲Communards lie massacred in this painting titled A Street in Paris in
May 1871, by Maximilien Luce.


• What might lead you to join a group seeking self-


• What ideals would you choose to help shape a new


As a class, discuss these questions. During the discussion, think
about some of the ideals that inspired American and French
revolutionaries. As you read this chapter, consider the ideals that
moved people to action. Also consider how people tried to change
government to better reflect their ideals.
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