World History, Grades 9-12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

The Age of Imperialism 799

TERMS & NAMES1.For each term or name, write a sentence explaining its significance.

  • Pacific Rim •King Mongkut •Emilio Aguinaldo •annexation •Queen Liliuokalani


2.Which Western power do you
think had the most negative
impact on its colonies?


3.How were the Dutch East India
Trading Company and the
British East India Company
4.What changes took place in
Southeast Asia as a result of
colonial control?
5.Why did some groups believe
that the United States should
colonize like the Europeans?


Research to find out about the economic situation of Southeast Asian countries today. Rank
the economies and present your findings in a bar graph.


  1. DRAWING CONCLUSIONSHow did the reforms of the
    Siamese kings help Siam remain independent?

  2. ANALYZING BIASWhat does President McKinley’s desire
    to “uplift and Christianize” the Filipinos suggest about his
    perception of the people?

  3. ANALYZING MOTIVESWhy do you think Sanford Dole
    wanted the United States to annex Hawaii?

  4. WRITING ACTIVITY Compose a letter to the
    editorexpressing a Hawaiian’s view on the U.S.
    businessmen who pushed for the annexation of Hawaii
    for economic gain.



Then in 1890, the McKinley Tariff Act passed by the U.S.
government set off a crisis in the islands. The act eliminated
the tariffs on all sugar entering the United States. Now,
sugar from Hawaii was no longer cheaper than sugar pro-
duced elsewhere. That change cut into the sugar producers’
profits. Some U.S. business leaders pushed for annexation
of Hawaii, or the adding of the territory to the United States.
Making Hawaii a part of the United States meant that
Hawaiian sugar could be sold for greater profits because
American producers got an extra two cents a pound from
the U.S. government.
About the same time, the new Hawaiian ruler, Queen
Liliuokalani (luh•LEE•uh•oh•kuh•LAH•nee), took the
throne. In 1893, she called for a new constitution that would
increase her power. It would also restore the political power
of Hawaiians at the expense of wealthy planters. To prevent
this from happening, a group of American businessmen
hatched a plot to overthrow the Hawaiian monarchy. In
1893, Queen Liliuokalani was removed from power.
In 1894, Sanford B. Dole, a wealthy plantation owner and
politician, was named president of the new Republic of
Hawaii. The president of the new republic asked the United
States to annex it. At first, President Cleveland refused. In
1898, however, the Republic of Hawaii was annexed by the
United States.
The period of imperialism was a time of great power and
domination of others by mostly European powers. As the 19th
century closed, the lands of the world were all claimed. The
European powers now faced each other with competing claims.
Their battles would become the focus of the 20th century.

Queen Liliuokalani
Liliuokalani was Hawaii’s only queen
and the last monarch of Hawaii. She
bitterly regretted her brother’s loss of
power to American planters and
worked to regain power for the
Hawaiian monarchy. As queen, she
refused to renew a treaty signed by
her brother that would have given
commercial privileges to foreign
businessmen. It was a decision that
would cost her the crown.

RESEARCH LINKSFor more on Queen
Liliuokalani, go to

Western powers
in Southeast Asia
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