World History, Grades 9-12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

866 Chapter 30

How do you resist oppressive

rule–with violent or

nonviolent action?

You believe that the policies of your government are unjust and oppressive. The
policies favor a small, wealthy class—but the vast majority of people are poor
with few rights. The government has failed to tackle economic, social, and
political problems. Many of your friends are joining revolutionary groups that
plan to overthrow the government by force. Others support nonviolent methods
of change, such as peaceful strikes, protests, and refusal to obey unjust laws.
You wonder which course of action to choose.


• How might armed and powerful opponents respond to

groups committed to nonviolent action?

• Which strategy might prove more successful and bring more

long-lasting consequences? Why?

As a class, discuss these questions. In your discussion, consider
what you have learned about the strategies revolutionaries use to
accomplish change. As you read about the revolutions and
independence movements, see which strategy was successful.

“Victory attained by violence is
tantamount to a defeat, for it
is momentary.”

▼Mohandas K. Gandhibecame
the leader of the independence
movement to free India of British rule.

“Political power grows out
of the barrel of a gun.”

▼Mao Zedong, Communist leader,
believed revolution would solve
China’s problems.
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