World History, Grades 9-12

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Under what circumstances

is war justif ied?

Every day your newspaper carries stories of the latest bombing raids on London
and other British cities. The photographs of the devastation are shocking. As
you read the stories and view the photographs, you wonder what the United
States should do to help Great Britain, its longtime ally. The editorial pages of
the newspapers ask the same question. Should the United States stand aside and
let the European nations settle the issues themselves? Should it offer help to
Great Britain in the form of arms and other supplies? Or should the United
States join Britain in its struggle against the Axis powers?


• What circumstances would lead you to support or oppose

your country’s participation in a war?

• How are civilians sometimes as much a part of a war effort

as soldiers?

As a class, discuss these questions. In your discussion, weigh the
arguments for and against fighting. As you read about World War
II, think about the role that civilians play in a situation of total war.
Think also about the hard moral choices that people often face in
times of war.

924 Chapter 32

▲A German bombing raid on London during the Battle of Britain
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