Atlas of Hispanic-American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Comanche, 105
Community Service
Organization (CSO), 191–93
compadres, 241
Confederación de Uniones de
Campesinos y Obreros
Mexicanos (CUCOM), 155
Confederación de Uniones
Obreras Mexicanas (CUOM),
Confederation of Mexican
Workers, 150
Congressional Medal of Honor
winners, 157–59
conjunto, 166, 237
constitutions, Mexican
1824, 78, 81
1836, 82
1917, 136
conversos, 6
Coolidge, Calvin, 173
Corbett, Jim, 211
Cordero, Andrés, 174
Córdoba, Fernández de, 31
Córdoba, Treaty of (1821), 74
Coronado, Francisco Vásquez
de, 53, 55–56
Cortés, Hernán, 28–29, 30–32
Cortez, Raul, 233
Cortina, Juan Nepomuceno
(“Cheno”), 105, 106
Cos, Martín, 85–86
Costa Rica, 83
Costa Roca, 130
costeños, 214
Council of the Indies, 41
“coyotes” (smugglers), 143, 170,
crime, 104–5, 159, 178, 193–94,
204, 206, 227
criollos (Creoles), 43, 71
Cristiani, Alfredo, 210
Crockett, Davy, 85–86
Cruz, Celia, 236
Cruz, José de la, 113–14
Cruz, Juana Inés de la, 44, 45
Cruz, Victor Hernández, 176
Cuauhtémoc (Aztec emperor), 36
arts and culture, 148–49, 167
Cuban Revolution, 178–79
educational attainment, 182
immigrants from, 113–14,
161, 182, 202
slavery in, 17–18
Spanish colonization and
rule, 29–31, 72–73, 83
Spanish-American War and,
Ten Years’ War, 112–13,
20th century, 148
U.S. policy in, 118, 126–28,
179–83, 206–7
War for Independence, 114,
“Cuba libre,” 114
Cuban Americans, 148–49
achievement in sports, 167
arts and culture, 166–67,
176, 238–39
Mariel boatlift, 205–6
occupations, 207
in U.S., 2000, 208
Cuban missile crisis, 182
Cuban Power, 182–83
Cuesta, José Enamorado, 163
Cugat, Xavier, 148, 167, 236
Cuitláhuac (Aztec emperor), 36

cumbia, 237
Cuyamel Fruit Company, 130
Cuzco, Peru, 10, 36, 38

Daddy Yankee, 236
Dahomey, 16
danzón music, 237
Darién (Panama), 31
Davis, Richard Harding, 119
de la Hoya, Oscar, 237
de León, Martín, 80
de Soto, Hernando, 46–47
death squads, Guatamala, 210
debt peonage, 43, 78, 80, 136
Del Toro, Benicio, 236
Democratic Party, 229–30
desperadoes, 104, 105–6
Dessalines, Jean-Jacques, 131
Detroit, Michigan, 160
Dewey, George, 121–22
DeWitt, Green, 80
Díaz, Adolfo, 130, 131
Diaz, Cameron, 235
Díaz, José, 159–60
Díaz, José de la Cruz Porfirio,
110–11, 133–34
Díaz de Bivar, Rodrigo (El Cid), 6
Diego, Jose de, 124
Diego, Juan, 20
discrimination and prejudice. See
alsoland ownership disputes
among South American
immigrants, 115–16, 214
“big stick” policy and, 131
in California, 99–100, 139,
against Cuban refugees, 206
against Dominican
Americans, 176–77, 203–4
English Only movement,
against Hispanic Americans,
generally, 161, 176–77,
lynchings, 103, 116, 145
Manifest Destiny and, 90
against Mexican Americans,
115–16, 138–39, 145, 150,
movie stereotypes, 140, 164
in New Mexico and the
Southwest, 78, 105–6
in Spanish America, 20, 43–44
during World War II, 156–57
the Columbian exchange, 39
in Spanish America, 65
during Spanish-American
War, 123
during U.S.-Mexican War, 96
dollar diplomacy, 132
Domínguez, José Juan, 76
Dominican Americans, 184–85,
Dominicans, 45
Dominican Republic
founding, 23
immigrants from, 176–77,
198–99, 202–4
Spanish colonization, 22,
U.S. policy in, 131, 132,
20th century, 183–85
U.S. policy in, 131, 132,
Doniphan, Alexander, 94
Dorantes, Estéban, 54

Drake, Francis, 49, 50, 51, 53, 60
drug trafficking/trade, 204, 214
Durán, Diego, 33

independence movements,
modern, founding of, 83
immigrants from, 187,
198–99, 213
20th century, 214
bilingual, 193, 200–201, 230,
educational attainment, 182,
Edwards, Haden, 83
El Camino Real (The Royal
Road), 56
El Clamor Publico, 105
El Día de los Muertos (Day of
the Dead), 240
El Día de la Raza (Day of the
Race), 23
El Diario La Prensa(newspaper),
El Grito de Baire, 119
El Grito de Lares, 114
El Museo del Barrio, 165, 235
El Norte (The North), U.S.-
Mexican borderlands, 199–200
El Paso incident, 170
El Paso Salt War, 115
El Salvador
20th century, 209
modern, founding of, 83
immigrants from, 188–89,
198–99, 210–11, 212
U.S. policy in, 130
El Zanjón, Treaty of (1878), 112
Elcano, Juan Sebastio de, 24
encomiendasystem, 29–31
English Only movement,
Ericson, Leif, 22
Escalante, Silvestre Vélez de, 76
españolepopulation, 43
Estéban, 54
Estefan, Gloria, 236
Estevez, Emilio, 236
Euskaldunaks, 112

Fair Employment practices
Committee, 156
family structure, 239–40, 241
fandango, 79
Farabundo Martí National
Liberation Front (FMLN), 209
Farm Security Administration,
152, 153, 155
farm workers. Seeagricultural
workers; labor struggles;
United Farm Workers
Farragut, David Glasgow, 107–8
Farragut, Jorge, 107–8
Federación de los Trabajadores
(Workers’ Free Labor
Federation), 146
Federal Emergency Relief
Administration (FERA), 155
Federal Theater Project, 163
Feliciano, José, 176
Ferdinand (Holy Roman
emperor), 63
Ferdinand V of Aragón (king of

Spain), 6, 21, 23, 24, 63
Ferdinand VII (king of Spain),
70, 72, 73
Fernandez, Gigi, 238
Fernández, Leonel, 183
Ferrer, Raphael, 165
Fiesta del Apóstol Santiago, 240
First Seminole War, 61
Fisher, King, 105
“Five Civilized Tribes,” 14
Flores, José María, 92
Flores, Juan, 105–6
Flores, Juana, 201
Florida. See alsoCivil War, U.S.
colonization of, 45–51, 54
farm workers, 217–19
forts and garrisons, 48–49, 67
immigration to, 113–14, 163,
176, 179–83, 212
U.S. annexation, 70–71
Fontaneda, Hernando de
Escalante, 46
foods, Columbian exchange and,
Foraker Act (1900), 125
Fort Caroline, Florida, 48
in California, 62
in Florida and the Louisiana
Territory, 48, 49, 67
Southwestern presidios, 55
Spanish American, 27–28
“Forty-Niners,” 97, 103
Foster v. Neilson, 102
during American Revolution,
colonization by, 18, 27, 53, 58
conflicts with Spain, 56, 65
French Revolution, 68–69
Louisiana Territory, 68–69
Mexican-French War of
1861-1867, 110–11
Napoleonic Wars, 70
Seven Years’ War, 65
slave trade, 16
sugar plantations, 31
Wars of the French
Revolution, 69
Franciscans, 45, 50, 59, 61, 62
Franco, Francisco, 149
“Fredonia,” 83
Frémont, John C., 92, 93
Frieselle, S. Parker, 139
Fuentes, Carlos, 2
Fujimori, Alberto, 214
Fulani, 17

Gadsden Purchase/Treaty
(1853), 81, 96, 97, 102
Gaitán, Jorge Eliécer, 188
Galicia, Spain, 2
Gálvez, Bernardo de, 63, 65–68
Garcia, Andy, 236
Garcia, Antonio, 165
Garcia, Gus C., 190
Garcia, Jerry, 236
Garcia, Marcario, 157
Garibaldi Guard, 107–8
Gasca, Pedro de la, 39
genizaro, 57
genocide against Native
Americans, 23, 28–29
Gentleman’s Agreement with
Japan (1909), 138
Ghana, kingdom of, 14–15, 16
Gibralter, 65

Gilchrist. Jim, 220
Gillespie, Dizzy, 148, 167, 237
Godoy, Manuel de, 68–69
gold mining, 43, 63, 65, 89, 97–99
“Golden Age,” 63, 65
golf, 237
Gómez y Báez, Máximo, 119–20
Góngora, Luis de, 65
Gonsalves, Harold, 158
Gonzales, Alberto, 231
Gonzales, David M., 158, 159
Gonzales, Henry Barbosa, 139
Gonzales, Leonides, 139
Gonzalez, Antonio, 232
Gonzalez, Elian and Juan
Miguel, 207–8
Gonzalez, Lazaro, 208
Gonzalez, Pancho, 238
Gonzalez, Pedro “Ramirin,” 163
González, Rodolfo (“Corky”),
Good Neighbor Policy, 150, 153
Goya Foods, 233
Gran Columbia, 82–83
Grant, Ulysses S., 95
Great Britain
American Revolution, 65–68
colonization by, 18, 60
Seven Years’ War, 65
slave trade, 16–17
South American
independence movements,
sugar plantations, 31
War of 1812, 61
Great Depression, 127, 145, 147,
149–53, 163
the “Great Migration,” 161
Greater Antilles, 29
Grijalva, Juan de, 31–32
Grillo, Frank (“Machito”), 167
Grito de Dolores, 103
Gruening, Ernest, 173
Guadalupe Hidalgo, Treaty of
(1848), 96–97, 100
Guanahaní, 22
Guanahatabey, 13
Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, 126, 128
guaracha, 237
Guaraní, 11
20th century, 209–10
immigrants from, 212
gold mining, 43
immigrants from, 188–89,
198–99, 210–11
independence movements, 75
modern, founding of, 83
pre-Columbian, 8
U.S. policy in, 130
Guatemalan National
Revolutionary Union
(URNG), 210
Guerra, Pablo de la, 89
Guerrero, Vicente, 74, 81
Guerrero, Vladimir, 237
Guevara, Ernesto (“Che”), 178
Guizeta, Roberto C., 233
Guthrie, Woody, 172
Gutiérrez, José Angel, 193, 194
Guyana, 213
Guzmán, Jacobo Arbenz, 189
Guzmán, Nuño de, 36

Haiti, 22, 69, 131
Haubegger, Christy, 215


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