Atlas of Hispanic-American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


The Spanish explorers Cabeza de Vaca,
Coronado, and Oñate all visited what is
now Texas, but Spain showed no major
interest in the region until the 1680s,
when the French began laying claim to it
as part of Louisiana. The Spanish sent
expeditions to drive out the French and to

found missions and presidios in eastern
Texas, but Native American resistance
forced the Spanish to abandon these in

  1. Then, in 1714, the French founded
    a settlement on the Rio Grande in south-
    western Texas near what is now Eagle
    Pass. This was getting perilously close to
    New Spain. The Spanish reclaimed Texas
    with a vengeance, in time founding more


In 1680, a Native American shaman named Popé led a rebellion that killed about 400
Spaniards and led to the temporary abandonment of Santa Fe. In 1692, Spanish forces
under the command of Diego de Vargas retook the city. Seen above are the pueblos in
which the rebellion was centered, as well as Vargas’s route to Santa Fe.

The Pueblo Revolt, 1680

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