Atlas of Hispanic-American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Despite having explored much of the Pacific coast in the 16th century, Spain made no
effort to settle it until the 18th century. As had been the case in Texas during the same
period, the impetus for settlement was defensive. Spain found competition for the land
from both Great Britain and Russia, and by settling the land, the Spaniards felt they could
better defend it. The map shown here illustrates the late 18th century expeditions that
paved the way for settlement.

Spanish Exploration of the Western Frontier, 1774–1776



Retablos were Hispanic icons usually
painted with organic pigments on
wooden panels of varying sizes.
Always featuring a religious subject,
these paintings were used in both
homes and churches throughout the
Spanish villages of New Mexico.
Not all religious art was painted on
wood. This image of the founder of
the Franciscan Order was painted on
animal hide and used by missionaries
to instruct local Indians in Christianity.

La Purísima Concepción, a California mission(National Park Service)

19th-century hide painting of St.
Francis of Assisi (International
Museum of Folk Art, Santa Fe)

A 19th-century retablo, or religious
painting on wood (private
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