Fundamentals of Reference

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


abstracts, defined, 29–30
acronyms and abbreviations, 20
Acronyms, Initialisms and Abbreviations
Dictionary, 20
Agosto, Denise E., 67
ALA. See American Library Association
ALA Glossary of Library and Information
on abstracts, 29
on compendium, 23
on directories, 35–36
on indexes, 29
on reference interviews, 57–58
on reference services, 56
on reference sources, 2
Alibris website, 39
All Things Austen encyclopedia, 8
Allcock, Jana C., 86
Allen, Bryce, 101
almanacs (reference sources), 23–25 website, 39
American Association of Law Libraries, 86
American Council of Learned Societies
(ACLS), 47
American FactFinder website, 50–51

American Heritage Dictionary of the English
Language, 18–19
American Library Association (ALA)
Association of College and Research
Libraries, 106
Booklist, 3, 6, 106
Choice magazine, 3, 12, 106
Code of Ethics, 85–86
Guide to Reference, 2–4, 106
Reference and User Services Association,
3, 11–12, 58, 81, 84, 89, 92, 98, 100
Reference Sources for Small and Medium-
Sized Libraries, 2–3, 45–46, 106
reviewing reference sources, 3
Young Adult Library Services
Association, 81
The American Library Directory, 37
American Medical Association Concise
Medical Encyclopedia, 8
American National Biography Online, 47
American Reference Books Annual (ARBA),
3, 106
American Religion Data Archives database,
America’s Top-Rated Cities, 52–53
America’s Top-Rated Smaller Cities, 53
Anderton, Holly, 67
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