Fundamentals of Reference

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1



The list of those that claim their office this day.
—Shakespeare, Henry VIII, act 4, scene 1, line 14


ne oF the most useful kinds of sources in any general reference collec-
tion, directories may be used to answer some of the most frequently
asked reference questions:

Who is the president and CEO of Trans-Global Mega-Corporation and
how can I contact him/her?
Where is the headquarters of the Society for the Preservation of
What is the name and contact information for a support group for
people with two left feet?

All kidding aside, library patrons often need to know how to contact a com-
pany executive (ever try to find this kind of information on a website?) or
where to find a support group for people with a particular medical condition
or an organization dedicated to a specific social or political cause.
The ALA Glossary of Library and Information Science defines a directory in
these precise terms: “A list of persons or organizations, systematically arranged,

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