Fundamentals of Reference

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Statistical Sources 53

taxes. Comparative statistics are included. The handbook is also
available as an e-book.
America’s Top-Rated Smaller Cities: A Statistical Handbook. A companion
to America’s Top-Rated Cities: A Statistical Handbook that offers the
same kind of data about highly rated
cities with populations between
25,000 and 125,000. It is also avail-
able as an e-book.
Education State Rankings: Pre-K–12 Edu-
cation in the 50 United States. Com-
pares state education statistics in a
variety of categories, including read-
ing and math scores, special educa-
tion, class size, graduation rates, per-
pupil spending, and more.
Business Rankings Annual. Since 1989
this annual publication has pro-
vided a wealth of business statis-
tics in ranked lists of various kinds
arranged by subject. Its entries
include the source of the data, a
helpful feature for further research.
Each volume is indexed, and a sepa-
rate cumulative index covering all volumes back to 1989 is also
published. It is also available online as part of the Gale Directory

miscellaneous statistics

American Religion Data Archives. The Association of
Religious Data Archives maintains this searchable database that pro-
vides membership and attendance statistics, national profiles, sur-
veys, and a number of “quick lists” which link to other related sites.
Box Office Mojo. Provides daily, weekly,
weekend, monthly, quarterly, seasonal, yearly, and all-time box
office results.

sports statistics
What is it about sports fans and
statistics? In the days before
the Internet librarians relied on
newspaper box scores, media
guides issued by professional
sports teams, and publications
like Sporting News’s annual
guides and registers for the
major sports. Today sports
statistics are easily found
online: there are sites for every
major sport (e.g., and league (e.g.,, as well as sites
of various kinds maintained by
dedicated fans.
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