Fundamentals of Reference

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


online reference service

Using electronic means to provide reference assistance
has become part of the lives of most reference
librarians. Answering questions by e-mail, chat, instant
messaging (IM), and text messaging (SMS) is not so
different from answering questions face to face.
—Kay Ann Cassell and Uma Hiremath,
Reference and Information Services in the 21st Century


nCe upon a time the telephone was a new technology, and its introduc-
tion into reference services caused considerable discussion. When any
new form of technology or new type of service is introduced in a library the
discussion usually includes questions such as “How will the staff be trained?”
“Who will be eligible for this service?” “What are the limits of this service?”
“Who will provide this service?” Online reference service, like reference ser-
vice by telephone, extends reference service beyond the walls of the library’s
building. What is online reference service? Joan M. Reitz, who refers to it as
“digital reference,” defines it as

reference services requested and provided over the Internet, usually
via e-mail, instant messaging (“chat”), or Web-based submission
forms, usually answered by librarians in the reference department
of a library... Synonymous with chat reference, e-reference, online
reference and virtual reference.^1
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