An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

American life, and that the United States had a mission to spread freedom
throughout the world and to fight those it saw as freedom’s enemies. The
attacks and events that followed also lent new urgency to questions that had
recurred many times in American history: Should the United States act in the
world as a republic or an empire? What is the proper balance between liberty
and security? Who deserves the full enjoyment of American freedom? None
had an easy answer.



  1. Why was the year 1989 one of the most momentous in the twentieth century?

  2. Describe the different visions of the U.S. role in the post– Cold War world as identified by
    President George H. W. Bush and President Clinton.

  3. Explain Clinton’s political strategy of combining social liberalism with conservative
    economic ideas.

  4. What are the causes and consequences of the growing “ prison- industrial complex”?

  5. Identify the factors that, in the midst of 1990s prosperity, increased the levels of inequality
    in the United States.

  6. What are the similarities and differences between immigration patterns of the 1990s and

  7. What main issues gave rise to the Culture Wars of the 1990s?

  8. Assess the role of the Supreme Court in the presidential election of 2000.

  9. What is globalization, and how did it affect the United States in the 1990s?


new world order (p. 1073)
Gulf War (p. 1074)
“Don’t ask, don’t tell” (p. 1076)
North American Free Trade
Agreement (p. 1076)
Contract with America (p. 1077)
Oslo Accords (p. 1079)
Rwandan genocide (p. 1079)
ethnic cleansing (p. 1079)

Balkan crisis (p. 1079)
globalization (p. 1081)
Americans with Disabilities Act
(p. 1097)
multiculturalism (p. 1098)
Culture Wars (p. 1100)
Defense of Marriage Act (p. 1100)
family values (p. 1100)
Bush v. Gore (p. 1103)

Why did Al Qaeda attack the United States on September 11, 2001?

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