An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

In foreign policy, Bush emphasized
American freedom of action, unrestrained
by international treaties and institutions.
To great controversy, the Bush administra-
tion announced that it would not abide by
the Kyoto Protocol of 1997, which sought to
combat global warming— a slow rise in the
earth’s temperature that scientists warned
could have disastrous effects on the world’s
climate. Global warming is caused when
gases released by burning fossil fuels such as
coal and oil remain in the upper atmosphere,
trapping heat reflected from the earth. Evi-
dence of this development first surfaced in
the 1990s, when scientists studying layers of
ice in Greenland concluded that the earth’s
temperature had risen significantly during
the past century.
Today, most scientists consider global
warming a serious situation. Climate change
threatens to disrupt long- established patterns
of agriculture, and the melting of glaciers and
the polar ice caps because of rising tempera-
tures may raise ocean levels and flood coastal
cities. Since, at the time, the United States
burned far more fossil fuel than any other
nation, Bush’s repudiation of the treaty, on
the grounds that it would weaken the Amer-
ican economy, infuriated much of the world,
as well as environmentalists at home.

“They Hate Freedom”

September 11 transformed the international
situation, the domestic political environ-
ment, and the Bush presidency. An outpour-
ing of popular patriotism followed the
attacks, all the more impressive because it was spontaneous, not orchestrated
by the government or private organizations. Throughout the country, people
demonstrated their sense of resolve and their sympathy for the victims by dis-
playing the American flag. Public trust in government rose dramatically, and


2001 U.S. enters war in
USA Patriot Act
2002 Bush identifies “axis of evil”
Department of Homeland
Security established
2003 Iraq War begins
2005 Hurricane Katrina hits the
Gulf Coast
2007 Great Recession begins
2008 Federal bailout of banks
and companies
Barack Obama elected
2009 Federal stimulus package
Tea Party movement
Sonia Sotomayor named to
Supreme Court
2010 Affordable Care Act
Gulf oil spill
2011 Arab Spring
Osama bin Laden killed
Occupy Wall Street
2012 Obama reelected
2013 Edward Snowden
2015 Supreme Court declares
constitutional right to gay
U.S. reestablishes relations
with Cuba

What were the major policy elements of the war on terror in the wake of September 11, 2001?
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