An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Hahn, Steven. A Nation under Our Feet: Black Political Struggles in the Rural South
from Slavery to the Great Migration (2003). A detailed study of black political
activism, stressing nationalist consciousness and emigration movements.
Hyman, Harold M. A More Perfect Union: The Impact of the Civil War and Recon-
struction on the Constitution (1973). Analyzes how the laws and constitu-
tional amendments of Reconstruction changed the Constitution and the
rights of all Americans.
Jung, Moon- Ho. Coolies and Cane: Race, Labor, and Sugar in the Age of Emancipa-
tion (2006). Tells the story of Chinese laborers brought to work in the sugar
fields after the end of slavery.
Litwack, Leon F. Been in the Storm So Long: The Aftermath of Slavery (1979). A
detailed look at the immediate aftermath of the end of slavery and the vari-
ety of black and white responses to emancipation.
Rable, George C. But There Was No Peace: The Role of Violence in the Politics of
Reconstruction (1984). The only full- scale study of violence in the Recon-
struction South.
Richardson, Heather C. West from Appomattox (2007). An account that fully
integrates the West into the history of the Reconstruction era.
Rodrigue, John C. Reconstruction in the Cane Fields: From Slavery to Free Labor
in Louisiana’s Sugar Parishes, 1862–1880 (2001). A study of how an often-
neglected part of the South experienced the aftermath of slavery.
Summers, Mark W. Railroads, Reconstruction, and the Gospel of Prosperity: Aid
under the Radical Republicans, 1865–1877 (1984). A detailed look at southern
governments’ efforts to promote economic development, and the political
corruption that sometimes accompanied it.

After Slavery: Race, Labor, and Politics in the Post- Emancipation Carolinas:
America’s Reconstruction: People and Politics after the Civil War: www
The Andrew Johnson Impeachment Trial:
Freedmen and Southern Society Project:
Freedmen’s Bureau Online:


Bensel, Richard F. The Political Economy of American Industrialization, 1877–1900
(2000). A study of the policies and political divisions that contributed to
and resulted from the second industrial revolution.

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