An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


America from the Great Depression to World War II:
FDR Cartoon Archive:
Flint Sit- Down Strike:
New Deal Network:


Ambrose, Stephen E. Citizen Soldiers (1997). Discusses the experience of
American soldiers fighting in Europe from D- Day to the end of the war.
Anderson, Karen. Wartime Women: Sex Roles, Family Relations, and the Status of
Women during World War II (1981). Explores how the experience of World
War II opened new opportunities for women and challenged existing
gender conventions.
Blum, John M. V Was for Victory: Politics and American Culture during World War II
(1976). A comprehensive account of the home front during World War II.
Borgwardt, Elizabeth. A New Deal for the World: America’s Vision for Human
Rights (2005). The emergence during the war of the idea of human rights as
an international entitlement.
Brinkley, Alan. The End of Reform: New Deal Liberalism in Recession and War
(1995). Describes how liberals’ ideas and policies moved away, during
the late New Deal and the war, from combating inequalities of economic
Daniels, Rogers. Prisoners without Trial: Japanese Americans in World War II
(1993). A brief history of the internment of Japanese- Americans during
the war.
Dower, John W. War without Mercy: Race and Power in the Pacific War (1986).
Explores how racial fears and antagonisms motivated both sides in the
Pacific theater.
Escobedo, Elizabeth R. From Coveralls to Zoot Suits: The Lives of Mexican Ameri-
can Women on the World War II Home Front (2013). Examines how the rise of
racial liberalism during World War II and the opening of new jobs affected
Mexican- American women.
Frydl, Kathleen. The G.I. Bill (2009). How this important piece of legislation
changed American society.
Isserman, Maurice. Which Side Were You On? The American Communist Party
during World War II (1982). Traces the Communist Party’s changing
political positions during World War II.

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