An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


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Adler, William M. Mollie’s Job: A Story of Life and Work on the Global Assembly
Line (2000). Tracks how a manufacturing job moved from the North to
the South and eventually out of the country, and what happened to the
workers who held it.
Allitt, Patrick. Religion in America since 1945 (2003). A survey of the main trends
of religious development since World War II.
Anderson, Terry H. The Pursuit of Fairness: A History of Affirmative Action (2004). A
careful study of the origins and development of affirmative action policies.
Busch, Andrew E. Ronald Reagan and the Politics of Freedom (2001). Discusses
how Ronald Reagan interpreted the idea of freedom and how it influenced
his presidency.
Foley, Michael S. Front Porch Politics: The Forgotten Heyday of American Activism
in the 1970s and 1980s (2013). A lively account of the grassroots move-
ments, of both left and right, that followed the 1960s.
Greenberg, David. Nixon’s Shadow: The History of an Image (2003). Explores
how Nixon’s supporters and enemies thought about him during his long
political career.
Kruse, Kevin. White Flight: Atlanta and the Making of Modern Conservatism
(2005). Explores how conservative politics took root in the predominantly
white suburbs of Atlanta, with implications for similar communities
across the country.
Kutler, Stanley I. The Wars of Watergate: The Last Crisis of Richard Nixon (1990).
The most thorough analysis of the Watergate scandal that brought down
President Nixon.
Luker, Kristin. Abortion and the Politics of Motherhood (1984). Describes how
the abortion issue affected American politics and the ideas about gender
relations that lay behind the debate.
Mathews, Donald G., and Jane S. De Hart. Sex, Gender, and the Politics of ERA
(1990). An in- depth examination of the debate over the Equal Rights
Amendment and why its opponents were successful.

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