An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
★ A-83


Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.

AAA, see Agricultural Adjustment Act
Abilene, Kans., 617
abolition movement, 673, 753, 757, 921,
1003, 1015, 1144
Aboriginal peoples, 614, 628, 1080
abortion, 1036, 1053, 1078, 1100–1101
Clinton and, 1075
conservatism and, 1053, 1054–55
feminists and, 1017, 1026–27, 1054–55
religious right and, 1053, 1065, 1100
Supreme Court and, 1024, 1053
Tea Party and, 1148
Abraham Lincoln Brigade, 866
Abrams, Jacob (1886–1953), 798, 799
Absolut vodka, 1123
abstract expressionism, 918
Abu Ghraib (prison), 1119
abuse, domestic, 720, 752
Acheson, Dean (1893–1971), 908, 935
ACLU, see American Civil Liberties Union
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
(AIDS), 1097–98
activism, in “The Sixties,” 1014–28
ACT UP, 1097
Adamic, Louis (1899–1951), 854
Adams, Brooks (1848–1927), 688
Adams, Henry (b. 1843), 566
Adams, John (1735–1826), 731
Adams, John Quincy (1767–1848), 688
Adamson Act (1916), 731
Addams, Jane (1860–1935), 719–20, 762,
788, 794
Adelphia Communications, 1084
Adenauer, Konrad (1876–1967), 959
Adkins v. Children’s Hospital, 791
Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet, The (TV
show), 947
advertising, 783, 786, 788, 789 , 877–78,
880, 966, 1094
consumerism and, 781, 947
corporate, 954
family life in, 949, 950
political, 926, 1069
television and, 947, 958
women and, 789

Advertising Council, 954
AFDC, see Aid to Families with Dependent
affirmative action, 1000, 1033, 1035–36,
1057, 1063, 1065, 1075, 1077, 1094,
Affluent Society, The (Galbraith), 966
Afghanistan, 1051, 1068, 1106, 1112, 1113,
1118, 1119, 1126, 1128, 1153
U.S. presence increased in, 1145
U.S. war on, 1112–13
war on terror in, 1145
AFL, see American Federation of Labor
Africa, 736, 774, 889, 896, 897, 903, 918,
962–63, 1073, 1086, 1087
AIDS and, 1097
decolonization of, 1150
immigrants from, 1094–95
Islam in, 1125
African-Americans, 645, 646, 676, 689,
853, 854, 858, 903, 952, 981, 1092,
1094, 1135, 1154
as Afro-Americans, 1002
in arts, 809
barred from Progressive Party conven-
tion, 762
Birmingham campaign and, 986–88, 987
and Black Codes, 580–81, 582
black internationalism and, 889, 897–98
Booker T. Washington and, 673
Carter and, 1048
citizenship and, 588, 590, 805
civil rights and, 855, 894–98, 983–89,
986 , 999–1002
in Clinton administration, 1076
as cowboys, 617
decolonization and, 917
as Democrats, 821
education and, 659, 661
entertainment of, 788
as excluded from Rough Riders, 682
and FDR, 841
feminists and, 787
Freedom Train and, 905–7
ghetto uprisings and, 999–1001, 1144
Great Society and, 998–99
Hurricane Katrina and, 1122–23
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