An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A-86 ★ INDEX

Atlantic, Battle of the, 869
Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company, 607
Atlantic cable, 608
Atlantic Charter, 902–3, 920
Atlantic City, N.J., 993
atomic bomb, 898–900, 902, 908, 930, 961
of Soviet Union, 912, 914
see also hydrogen bomb; nuclear
Atomic Energy Commission, 910, 955
Attlee, Clement (1883–1967), 900
Attucks, Crispus (ca. 1723–1770), 569
Aurora, Colo., 1152
Austin, Tex., 1082
Australia, 616, 627–28, 774, 775
in World War II, 869
Austria, 772, 865
Austro-Hungarian Empire, 742, 772, 773 ,
immigrants from, 669, 696
Autobiography of Malcolm X (Malcolm X),
automobiles, 704, 782, 784, 788, 795, 812,
873, 940, 943, 944, 946, 947
Detroit and, 947
Ford and, 701, 701
highways and, 960
Japanese production of, 1045
in Los Angeles, 785
manufacturers of, 947–49
pollution and, 980, 1033
aviation and aircraft, 783, 785, 874, 879,
895, 928, 943, 1048
Axis of Evil, 1113
Axis powers, 867, 869, 877, 890, 894
Azikiwe, Nnamdi (1904–1996), 898
AZT, 1097

Babcock, Orville (1835–1884), 1121
baby boom, 944, 949
Baby Boomers, 1003
Bachelor Girls Social Club, 700
Baghdad, 1116
Bailey v. Alabama, 764
Bain Capital, Mitt Romney and, 1148
Baker, Ella (1903–1986), 985, 988, 1015
Baker v. Carr, 1023
Balanchine, George (1904–1983), 919
Baldwin, James (1924–1987), 984, 1003
Balkans, 1079
“Ballad for Americans,” 854
Ballinger, Richard A. (1858–1922), 729
Baltimore, Md., 1143

Arabs, 773–74, 1044
nationalism and, 964, 1051
Arbenz Guzmán, Jacobo (1913–1971), 963,
Arbuckle, Fatty (1887–1933), 796
Argentina, 616, 627, 1049–50
Arizona, 1008, 1098
agriculture in, 694, 785, 944
Arizona territory, 614
Arkansas, 663, 1075
lynchings in, 796
Arlington, Vt., 862
armed forces, U.S., see military, U.S.
armistice, Korean War, 915
Armory show, 712
Armstrong, Louis, 969
Armstrong, Samuel (1839–1893), 673
Army, U.S., 898
desegregation in, 896
Army-McCarthy hearings, 931, 947
Arthur, Chester A. (1829–1886), 631
Arthur Andersen Company, 1084
Art Interrupted, 919
Second New Deal and, 836–37
African-Americans in, 809
during Cold War, 918
Second New Deal and, 836–37
Aryan Nation, 1101
Aryans, 806
as “master race,” 884, 924
Ashcroft, John (1942–), 1118
Asia, 683, 736, 774, 775, 896, 908, 918,
962–63, 964, 1082, 1086, 1087
decolonization of, 1150
pre-World War II, 865
Asian immigrants, 696, 760, 761, 803, 886,
996, 1092–94
affirmative action and, 1035
naturalization of, 803
World War II and, 890–93
assembly lines, 702, 831, 876
assimilation, 806, 852, 884–86, 954
associational action, 810, 814
asylum of liberty, U.S. as, 805
asylums, 659, 760
AT&T (American Telephone and Telegraph),
1037, 1147
Atkinson, Edward (1827–1905), 635
“Atlanta Compromise” speech, 673
Atlanta Cotton Exposition, 673, 674
Atlanta University, 763

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