An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A-92 ★ INDEX

654 , 742, 748, 752, 805, 839, 906,
1028, 1119
black soldiers in, 625
casualties in, 570
emancipation and, 566–74
Civil Works Administration (CWA), 826
Clarendon County, S.C., 972
Clark, Kenneth (1914–2005), 973
Clark, Mamie (1917–1983), 973
Clark, Tom C. (1899–1977), 907
Clark, William (1770–1838), 621
Clark University, 713
Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of
World Order, The (Huntington), 1125
in American Society, 634, 635
see also middle class
Clayton Act (1914), 731
Clean Air Act (1970), 1021, 1033
Clean Water Act (1972), 1021
Clemenceau, Georges (1841–1929), 771, 772
Cleveland, Grover (1837–1908), 631, 656,
657, 670, 680, 687, 814
Cleveland, Ohio, 1143
climate change, see global warming
Clinton, Bill (1946–), 680, 848, 893, 1069,
1076–80, 1081, 1084, 1085, 1088,
1102–3, 1135
Balkan crisis and, 1079
budget and, 1082
Contract with America and, 1078
in election of 1992, 1074–76
foreign policy of, 1078–80
impeachment of, 1102–3
national health care plan of, 1077
sexual misconduct and, 1102–3
Clinton, Hillary Rodham (1947–), 1077,
1135, 1137
as feminist, 1102
and Osama bin Laden’s death, 1145
Clinton administration, 1076–80, 1135
women in, 1076
Close, Gilbert (1906–1952), 773
closed shops, 923
Closing Circle, The (Commoner), 1060
coal, 922, 1044–45, 1111
mining, 726, 769
strikes, 726
Coca-Cola, 783, 946
Cochise, 624
“code-talkers,” 887
Cody, William “Buffalo Bill,” 629
Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, 656

civil rights and liberties (continued)
anticommunism and, 930–31, 933–34
Baldwin on, 984
Bush administration and, 1117–20,
Cold War and, 934–38
Eleanor Roosevelt and, 845
FDR and, 850
in Great Depression, 816, 853
and Japanese-Americans, 891–93
Japanese internment and, 891–93
labor and, 709, 855–57
legislation on, 593
New Deal and, 856
new movements in, 1014–28
post-World War II, 883, 924–25
revolution in, 1021–22
Scottsboro case and, 855
September 11 terrorist attacks and,
in Soviet Union, 920, 921
suspension of, 1126–27
Truman and, 924–25
violations as federal offenses, 596
Woodrow Wilson and, 753
World War II and, 863, 887, 969, 974
see also Bill of Rights (American); civil
rights movement; constitutional
amendments, U.S.; freedom; McCar-
thy era; women’s rights
Civil Rights Bill (1866), 582
Civil Rights Cases, 664
civil rights movement, 968–79, 997–98,
999–1002, 1052, 1063, 1110, 1142
backlash against, 995, 1057
Birmingham campaign and, 986–88, 987
birth of, 894–98
FBI and, 1042–43
freedom and, 975–76
JFK and, 991–92
LBJ and, 992–93
March on Washington and, 988–89
Montgomery bus boycott and, 974–75
1964 election and, 993–94
radicalization of, 1001–2
Selma campaign and, 995–96
in South, 983–89, 986 , 987
television and, 987, 987 , 996
“wade-ins” and, 985
women and, 1014–16
Civil Service Act (1883), 632
Civil War, U.S., 564, 565, 567 , 603, 604,
624, 631, 633, 634, 635, 645, 651,

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