An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A-94 ★ INDEX

New Deal and, 880
Nixon and, 1027, 1032–33
radical, 994–95, 1101–2
Reagan and, 1065
tax reductions and, 1056
Tea Party and, 1148
“conspicuous consumption,” 612
Constitution, U.S., 709, 752, 757, 787,
793, 844, 905, 971, 1021, 1022, 1023,
1035, 1059, 1103, 1125–26, 1127,
African-Americans and, 565, 586, 587
and territories acquired, 686
women’s rights and, 588
constitutional amendments, U.S.:
First, 796, 797–98, 876, 929, 1022, 1023
Second, 1152
Thirteenth, 582, 614, 906
Fourteenth, 583, 586, 587, 588, 590,
598, 626, 638, 664–65, 665 , 671, 672,
764, 793, 798, 799, 807, 906, 971,
973, 1036, 1104, 1126, 1130
Fifteenth, 585–86, 588, 590, 626, 663,
764, 787, 906
Sixteenth, 728
Seventeenth, 718
Eighteenth, 751 , 752
Nineteenth, 751
Twentieth, 841
Twenty-first, 829
Twenty-fourth, 996
Constitution Hall, 850
consumerism, 699, 946–47, 1021, 1106
advertising and, 781, 947
in American National Exhibition, 940–42
automobiles and, 947–49
capitalism and, 699
economy and, 784, 786
and household appliances, 783, 789,
880, 940, 942, 944, 1054
suburbia and, 950
television and, 947
unionization and, 702
wages and, 700, 703, 720–21, 786
containment, 908–9, 910, 913, 914, 916,
928, 962, 963, 964, 1006
double, 913
contracts, labor, 636–37, 639, 676
“yellow dog,” 639
contracts, “liberty of contract” doctrine
and, 724
“Contract with America,” 1077
Contras, 1066, 1068

Congress, U.S., (continued)
anticommunism and, 933–34
apologizes for Japanese-American
internment, 892–93
Civil Rights Act (1964) and, 988
civil rights and, 977
in elections of 1946, 923
Equal Pay Act and, 1015
FDR and, 841
federal bailouts and, 1134
government surveillance and, 1147
Greenspan’s testimony to, 1134
health care bill passed by, 1138
immigration and, 792
immigration restriction and, 670–72, 760,
803–5, 890
isolationism and, 866
and League of Nations, 776
and Native American treaty system, 624
New Deal and, 824, 825, 881
presidential veto and, 582, 923, 933
Reagan’s defiance of, 1066
Reconstruction policies of, 579
Republican control of, 1077
and Resolution of Regret, 671
“stimulus” package passed by, 1137
Truman Doctrine and, 910
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
and, 922
Voting Rights Act passed by, 996
World War II and, 869
see also House of Representatives, U.S.;
Senate, U.S.
Congressional Medal of Honor, 762
Congressional Record, 936
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO),
831–33, 835, 846, 852, 854, 855–56,
858, 895–96, 922, 923, 934, 960
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), 895,
976, 985, 993, 1002
Connor, Eugene “Bull” (1897–1973), 987,
Conscience of a Conservative, The (Gold-
water), 994
conservationism, 618, 727–28, 1020, 1052
conservatism, 883, 884, 955–57, 962,
994–95, 1021, 1030–70, 1100, 1125
abortion and, 1053, 1054–55
anti-Semitism and, 1032
Clinton and, 1076
colleges and, 1002
libertarians and, 955–56
neoconservatism and, 1052–53

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