An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
INDEX ★ A-97

Dodge City, Kans., 617
Dole, Bob (1923–), 1078
Dollar Diplomacy, 739
domestic abuse, 720, 752
domestic terrorism, 1118
Dominican Republic, 678, 739, 740, 864,
immigrants from, 1087, 1091
Donnelly, Ignatius (1831–1901), 641, 653
“Don’t Buy Where You Can’t Work” cam-
paign, 849
Dos Passos, John (1896–1970), 780–81
dot coms, 1083–84, 1085
double-V, 895
Douglas, Helen Gahagan (1900–1980), 957
Douglas, William O. (1898–1980), 1023
Douglass, Frederick (1817–1895), 591 , 897,
on abolition, 568
“Composite Nation” speech of, 587
death of, 673, 674
Dow, Neal (1804–1897), 631
Dow Jones Industrial Average, 1129
Puerto Ricans and, 761
in Vietnam War, 1008, 1039, 1040, 1050
in World War I, 747, 754, 759
in World War II, 868, 873, 892
Dred Scott case, 586, 639
Dreiser, Theodore (1871–1945), 695, 796
Dresden, 900
Drew, Charles, 893
Drift and Mastery (Lippmann), 719
drugs, 967, 1009, 1012 , 1014, 1065, 1095,
Noriega and, 1073
Vietnam War and, 1040
war on, 800
see also crack cocaine
Du Bois, W. E. B. (1868–1963), 675,
763–64, 767, 774, 775–76, 805, 809,
849–50, 897, 898, 935, 976
Duchess County, N.Y., 822
Dukakis, Michael (1933–), 1068
Dulles, John Foster (1888–1959), 921, 961,
Dumbarton Oaks, conference at, 902
Duncan, Isadora (1877?-1927), 712
Duquesne, Pa., 830
Durant, Will (author; 1885–1981), 877
Durant, William C. (GM founder; 1861–
1947), 812
Dust Bowl, 785, 827, 828 , 945

welfare and, 1078
see also specific elections and
Dempsey, Jack (1895–1983), 783
Denmark, 735
Dennett, Mary Ware (1872–1947), 798
Dennis v. United States, 932
Denver, Colo., 945, 1019
deportation, of undocumented immigrants,
depression, economic:
of 1873, 581, 598, 608, 609, 611, 636
of 1893, 608, 611, 636, 656, 680, 694
of 1929, see Great Depression
agricultural, 785
deregulation, 1048, 1064, 1078, 1084–85,
1112, 1137
financial crisis of 2008 and, 1132, 1133
Deseret, Mormons and, 620
détente, 1037–38, 1047, 1052
Detroit, Mich., 716, 809, 893, 896 , 947,
1046, 1055
riot in, 1000
Dewey, George (1837–1917), 681, 684
Dewey, John (1859–1952), 605, 716, 746,
794, 815
Dewey, Thomas E. (1902–1917), 898, 926
De Witt, Benjamin P., 693
Díaz, Porfirio (1830–1915), 741
dictators, dictatorships, 864–65, 883, 916,
990, 1038, 1049
FDR and, 864–65
U.S. support of, 1066
see also Hitler, Adolf; Mussolini, Benito;
Saddam Hussein; Stalin, Joseph;
Dictionary of Races of People, 755
Dingley Tariff (1897), 659
direct legislature, 717
direct primaries, 717
reverse, 1000, 1035
see also segregation
Disney, Walt (1901–1966), 929
diversity, 806, 854, 885, 886 , 1091–94,
1098–99, 1102
see also pluralism
divorce, 1036, 1054, 1100
Dix, Fort, 749
Dixiecrats, 926
Dixie to Broadway (Broadway show), 809
Dixon, Frank (1892–1965), 896
Dodge, Mabel (1879–1962), 712

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