An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
INDEX ★ A-99

Estonia, 772, 901
Ethiopia, 865, 1094, 1146
ethnic cleansing, 1079, 1079
eugenics, 755
Europe, European powers, 771–75, 773 ,
806, 908, 911, 914, 916, 1044, 1086
immigration from, 996, 1087, 1093
Islam in, 1125
post-World War II, 943
pre-World War II, 865
see also specific countries
European Union, Iran and, 1146
Evers, Medgar (1925–1963), 988
evolution, 635–36, 801, 1100
Executive Order 8802, 894
Executive Order 9066, 891
Exodus, book of, 661, 662
extremism, Goldwater and, 1010

factories, 700, 781, 785, 943, 1080
automobile, 782
New Deal and, 820
pollution and, 1033
in Soviet Exhibition, 940
during World War II, 876
Factories in the Field (McWilliams), 849
“factory farms,” 785
Fair Deal, 922
Fair Employment Practices Commission
(FEPC), 887, 894–95, 906
Fair Labor Standards Act (1938), 821, 850
Fair Labor Standards Bill, 844
Fall, Albert (1861–1944), 791
Falwell, Jerry (1933–2007), 1053–54
Family Assistance Plan, 1033
family life, 1017, 1024
Cold War and, 949–50
“family values” and, 1100–1101
and nuclear family, 1100
Family Record, 567
family values, 1057
Farmers’ Alliance, 652
Colored, 654
farms see agriculture
Farm Security Administration, 847 , 849
fascism, 834, 836, 866, 868, 878, 883–87,
Mussolini as founder of, 865
“Father Was Killed by a Pinkerton Man”
(song), 649
Faubus, Orval (1910–1994), 978
FBI, see Federal Bureau of Investigation
FCC, see Federal Communications

of 1988, 1069
of 1992, 1074–76
of 1996, 1078
of 2000, 1103–4, 1104
of 2004, 1120–21
of 2006, 1127–28
of 2008, 1109, 1135–36
of 2012, 1148–50, 1150
third parties in, 633
Electoral College, 631, 744, 1058, 1103,
1104, 1121
Electoral Commission (1877), 600
electrical industry, 704, 795
Electric Auto-Lite, 831
electricity, 608, 819–20, 859, 943, 1084
Elk, John, 626
Elk v. Wilkins, 626
Ellis Island, 697
Ellison, Ralph (1914–1994), 973
Ellsberg, Daniel (1931–), 1041
El Mozote, El Salvador, massacre in, 1066
El Salvador, 1050, 1066, 1123
e-mail, 1082
Emancipation Proclamation (1862), 576,
862, 906
Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal
Church, massacre in, 1131, 1152
Emergency Banking Act (1933), 824
empire, U.S., 682–83, 684–86, 685
Endangered Species Act (1973), 1021, 1033
End Poverty in California, 833
Enforcement Acts (1870–71), 596, 598
Engel v. Vitale, 1023
England, 782
see also British Empire; Great Britain
English, as official language, 1099
Enron, 1084
environmental degradation, 1151
environmentalism, 1003, 1020–21, 1049,
1057, 1060–61, 1062, 1076, 1077,
1078, 1080–82, 1111
Obama and, 1146
see also pollution
Environmental Protection Agency, 1032
Episcopalians, 1053
Equal Credit Opportunity Act (1972), 1037
Equal Employment Opportunity Commis-
sion, 997, 1015
Equal Pay Act (1963), 1015
Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), 787–88,
1054, 1057, 1064
ERA, see Equal Rights Amendment
Espionage Act (1917), 752–53, 756, 797,
799 , 1147

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