An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
INDEX ★ A-101

Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, 589
Frank Leslie’s Weekly, 646
Franklin, Benjamin (1706–1790), 756
Franz Ferdinand, archduke of Austria
(1863–1914), 742
Frazier, Garrison (b. 1797), 565
Freedmen’s Bureau, 568, 571–72, 582, 592,
Freedmen’s Bureau Bill (1866), 582
freedom, 689, 896, 896 , 906, 919, 1024,
1119, 1127, 1130, 1137
American National Exhibition and, 940
of assembly, 856
Bellamy’s view of, 643
Chief Joseph on, 621–24
civil rights movement and, 935, 968–79
Cold War and, 916, 917–22, 928, 952,
965, 984
conservatism and, 956–57
consumerism and, 699, 946–47, 948–49
counterculture and, 1009–12
degradation of, 796
employer vs. employee, 650
of expression, 709, 712–13, 752, 754,
756, 796, 797–99, 801, 855–57, 861,
876, 889, 903, 920, 929, 932, 941,
954, 1005, 1112, 1119, 1152
FDR and, 839–40
from want, 877, 881
frozen meals and, 950
in Gilded Age, 634–39
in Great Depression, 815–16
Great Society and, 998–99
guns and, 1101
immigration and, 698–99
Indians and, 624–27
Iraq War and, 1116, 1121
left wing groups and, 853
Marshall Plan and, 911
New Deal and, 824, 838–45
New Left’s definition of, 997
in 1964 election, 1030–31
post-World War II, 880–84
of the press, 756, 796, 1022, 1040
Prohibition and, 801
Reagan and, 1058–59
in Reconstruction, 566–67
Red Scare and, 780
religious, see religious freedom
September 11 terrorist attacks and, 1153
Social Darwinists view of, 636
Statue of Liberty and, 603–4
suburbia and, 950

Ford, Gerald (1913–2006), 1047, 1053,
1055, 1058
Nixon pardoned by, 1047
Ford, Henry (1863–1947), 701, 782–83,
786, 832, 866, 867
Ford administration, 1076
Fordism, 701–2
Ford Motor Company, 701–2, 701 , 758,
782, 784, 866, 947, 1085
assembly lines and, 702
and German slave labor, 866
Fordney-McCumber Tariff (1922), 795
Forest Service, U.S., 727, 1057
Fort Dix, 749
Fort Hood, 924
Fortune, 814, 877
“47 percent” remark, in 2012 election and
campaign, 1149
Fosdick, Harry Emerson (1878–1969),
Four Freedoms, 861, 864 , 876–77, 880,
884, 889, 895, 903, 906, 911, 920,
925 , 954
Four Freedoms Show, 862
Fourteen Points, 745–46, 768, 771, 772,
Fourteenth Amendment, 583, 586, 587,
588, 590, 598, 638, 664–65, 665 , 671,
672, 764, 793, 798, 799, 807, 906,
971, 973, 1036, 1104, 1126, 1130
Native Americans and, 626
Tea Party and, 1148
Foxwoods casino, 1098
France, 603, 749 , 768, 795, 865–67, 898,
900, 902, 912, 959, 964, 1119, 1151
communist party in, 911
declares war on Germany, 867
in Great Depression, 811, 822
industry in, 605
Iraq War and, 1116
male suffrage in, 630
1968 strike in, 1026
occupation of Germany by, 912
progressivism in, 715
socialism in, 706
in Suez fiasco, 964
in U.N., 902
welfare state and, 959
in World War I, 742
see also French Empire
Franco, Francisco (1892–1975), 865, 866
Frank, Leo (1884–1915), 803
Frankfurter, Felix (1882–1965), 780

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