An American History

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
INDEX ★ A-105

Havana Harbor, 681
Havens, Richie (1941–), 1013
Hawaii, 684, 686, 697, 805, 807, 1110
acquisition of, 680 , 683
Hay, Harry (1912–2002), 1017
Hay, John (1838–1905), 681, 683
Hayden, Tom (1939–), 1026
Hayek, Friedrich A. (1899–1992), 883
Hayes, Max (1866–1945), 706
Hayes, Rutherford B. (1822–1893),
599–600, 622, 624, 631, 639
Haymarket affair, 644–46
Haynsworth, Clement (1912–1989), 1033
Hays code, 796
Haywood, William “Big Bill” (1869–1928),
707, 708
Head Start, 998
health care, national, 882, 920, 922, 925,
934, 1077
health care, rising costs of, 1151
Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs),
Hearst, William Randolph (1863–1951),
Helsinki Accords, 1047
Hemingway, Ernest (1899–1961), 796, 797
Henry, Patrick (1736–1799), 1101
Hepburn Act (1906), 726
Herberg, Will (1901–1977), 954
Heritage Foundation, 1053
Herndon, Angelo (1913–1997), 856
Hersey, John (1914–1993), 900
Heterodoxy, 712
Hewitt, Abram (1822–1903), 635, 646
Hidden Persuaders, The (Packard), 966
Highlander School, 974
Highland Park, Mich., Ford plant at, 701 ,
highways, 946, 954
building of, 927, 948 , 959
Hill, Anita (1956–), 1102
Hillman, Sidney (1887–1946), 769
counterculture and, 1013
Tulsi Gabbard and, 1150
Hindus, 1086, 1087
as immigrants, 1087
Hine, Lewis (1874–1940), 695, 696 , 786
Hirohito, emperor of Japan (1901–1989),
Hirono, Mazie K. (1947–), 1150
Hiroshima, atomic bombing of, 899, 961
Hiroshima (Hersey), 900

Guatemala, 963, 964 , 965, 1009, 1050,
1066, 1123
Gulf Coast, Hurricane Katrina and, 1121–22
Gulf of Mexico, BP oil spill in, 1137
Gulf of Tonkin resolution, 1006
Gulfport, Miss., 985
Gulf War, 1073–74, 1106, 1114
casualties in, 1074
guns, and gun control, 1101
Guthrie, Woody (1912–1967), 818
Guyana, 1014
gypsies, Nazi extermination of, 873

Haas, Ernst (1921–1986), 945
“habeas corpus,” 892, 1119
Habitat for Humanity, 1058
Haight-Ashbury, Calif., 1013
Hair (musical), 1014
Haiti, 740, 864, 978, 1058
immigrants from, 1091
Haldeman, H. R. (1926–1993), 1042
Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, 1127
Hamdi, Yasir, 1126
Hamdi v. Rumsfeld, 1126–27
Hamer, Fannie Lou (1917–1977), 993, 1015
Hamilton, Walton H. (1881–1998), 815
Hampton, Wade (1818–1902), 599
Hampton Institute, 568, 673
Hancock, Winfield Scott (1824–1886), 631
Hanna, Mark (1837–1904), 658, 707
Hanna, Tom, 646
Harding, Warren G. (1865–1923), 753, 777,
790, 791, 795, 805
death of, 782
Harding, William L. (1877–1934), 759
Harlan, John Marshall (1833–1911), 641,
665, 1059
Harlem, N.Y., 807–9, 849, 854
race riots in, 886, 1000
Harlem Renaissance, 809
Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins (1825–1911),
Harrington, Michael (1928–1989), 997–98,
1004, 1123
Harrison, Benjamin (1833–1901), 631, 680
Harrison administration, 680
Hart, Gary (1936–), 1069, 1102
Hart-Celler Act (1965), 996, 1124
Harvard Law School, 1110
Harvard University, 763, 780, 822, 1012
Marshall Plan announced at, 911
Harvest Gypsies, The: On the Road to the
Grapes of Wrath (Steinbeck), 842–43

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